mode : happy
November is the best..bagi aku 11 is my private number..somehow i feel like November is the best month of the year..hari nie 11 November 2011..21th birthday for that particular happy birthday to kamu..last year aku wish tepat2 pukul 00:00 tanggal 11 November 2010 to show that she is special..tapi tahun nie mesti ada yang try to wish seawal mungkin as it is 11/11/ aku cuba make it more special..aku yang xpernah rajin nak bangun awal time cuti set alarm pukul 11 sebab nak wish pukul 11:11..terpaksa set alam seawal mungkin sebab takut tak terjaga..hehe..i got too cautious sampai tiap2 2 jam aku least it went as planned..for you not to reply aku tak terasa sangat..we've been a stranger for a quite long rilex2 je la..yang penting kamu happy..and kalau tak salah aku still simpan hadiah that i meant to give kamu last year but i just dont have the courage..
In the next 11 days after today will be my birthday..see..its related..haha..nothing big happen last year..tahun nie??aku xberharap apa2 pun..aku just need to remind myself to freeze my FB account before 22th aku nak tengok sape yang ingat birthday aku..haha..semalam time nak tidur aku melanguk dekat sejam memikirkan apa yang bakal terjadi to me..but i guess nothing big will happen..aku just terlebih fikir..nothing to say..apa2 pun have a nice November semua..and again to kamu, have a nice and happy life..Numbers dont lie.. =)