Tuesday, November 23, 2010


my first blog..my reasons..kenapa aku buat blog??kenapa??kenapa??kenapa??
aku terkilan..aku kecewa..dan aku tiada siapa..1st thing 1st..aku bukan nya jenis bercerita segala dekat orang..my word is that when we tell people our problems,it means that we tell them our weaknesses..sekarang kenapa aku cerita??sebab aku harap korang xkenal aku..haha..so xla aku nak malu sangat..

aku xharap pon..yesterday Bestday aku..gembira at first coz ada sorang 2 wish aku 1st on my Bestday..shari sebelum 2 xtermasuk la..hehe..but then..stop..fullstop..langsung tiada cerita..running away??aku pon xtau..aku xkenal wanita dan aku xpaham wanita..they all look the same..seriously..aku langsung xtau..

my best party ever..alone aside of tasik on 12 midnight..eat my own chocolate bestday present..with a pack of cigar..haha..terlalu best..aman..sunyi..lonely.........freaky right??

1 2 3..aarrrghhhhh..aku kecewa dan terus kecewa..

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